GreenMine Identifies Second Site

  • GreenMine has identified a second site for installation of its Waste Carbonisation Plants (WCP’s).
  • The WCP’s can process unsorted waste, emissions and particle pollutants free, producing offtakes: Mineral Recyclables, Bio-Coal, Bio-Char and Bio-Oil.
  • For these sites and others, we will be working with counterparties on site to utilise the Bio-Coal to develop baseload green energy and export to the grid.
  • The mineral recyclables, bio-char and bio-oils will be sold off separately. One WCP, lease financed for circa £5M, will develop revenues of circa £290K per month.
  • One WCP, which is based overseas, is currently processing 10% Municipal Solid Waste and 90% Plastic – which means we are well placed when plastic subsidies arrive.

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