GreenMine is funding now and expects to have its first site operational by August 2024

GreenMine has co-developed a waste solution that processes unsorted waste into Bio-Coal (for electricity generation), Bio-Char (for agriculture), Bio-oil (numerous applications) and mineral recyclables (metals and minerals recycling).

The exact proportions of the above offtakes depend on the constituents of the waste. Thus, GreenMine provides a solution for dealing with new waste, which benefits from a £90 per ton gate fee, and for dealing with legacy waste that has been sitting in landfill for years and could be now processed into the offtakes as detailed above and thus remediate landfill sites, returning them to brownfield or greenfield, ready for either industrial, commercial, or housing developments. They’re not making land anymore apparently, and the land development cycle is the base of all economic cycles.

While we are told that landfills are safe, I really struggle with this. Several companies in the US have got themselves into a significant amount of trouble from Landfills – Dupont being the main one leading to thousands of deaths (read the article here) – and ultimately, wherever landfills are around the world, the only thing that is guaranteed is that no one knows what is down there or the damage that they can ultimately cause as the leachate leaches into the water table.

What is the value of a 50-hectare landfill site due to be capped, compared to when GreenMine has cleared it and in the interim part financed clearance through sales of the offtakes? Personally, I think, its a very significant liability converted into a very valuable asset. And due to urban sprawl many landfills are on sites within city limits and thus represent very valuable real estate. Are we talking billions or trillions worldwide?

Landfill is a major problem for local authorities, and results in significant health and safety problems for residents. Add to this the pent-up demand for new sites for housebuilding, and one can see that the redevelopment potential is huge.

GreenMine is funding now and expects to have its first site operational by August 2024, at which time we anticipate GreenMine will be profitable, generating income from gate fees and the sale of the recycled offtakes. From here, GreenMine intends on scaling through new waste sites and through landfill reclamation and remediation in the UK and abroad.

So far, circa £2m has been invested in GreenMine’s development. If you are interested in analysing the company further, please visit this link and request further information.

Please note that GreenMine is a trading name for Pyrolysise Ltd.

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