Year: 2023

How hundreds of homes are being built on top of ‘lethal’ landfill sites – Daily Mail

Near Dudley, 72 homes are being built on a former landfill once full of hundreds of tonnes of toxic waste. A £100m regeneration plan in Gloucestershire has stalled amid accusations it’ll be built on a weapons dump. A 263-home estate in Crewe, Cheshire, could be ripped down amid claims it was built on contaminated land Entire neighbourhoods that will one day be home to hundreds of families are being built on ‘toxic wastelands’ branded England’s ‘most contaminated’, MailOnline can today reveal. Councils under pressure to construct more homes are now converting disused landfills, allegedly riddled with potentially lethal toxins like asbestos, arsenic [...]

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Government plans to ‘make recycling easier’ to stop waste going to landfill – Sky News

Reports claimed ministers would hold a consultation to cut ‘wishcycling’ – the act of putting the wrong things in the recycling bin while hoping they can be reused. But the government insists they just want to make he process simpler. The government is planning to “make recycling easier” by getting councils to collect the same materials from your doorstep. Newspaper reports claimed ministers would ask people to put fewer items into recycling bins to reduce “wishcycling” – where people put items they hope are recyclable into the bin but inadvertently ruin a batch of waste for processing. According to the i newspaper, the [...]

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Businesses urged to get ready for reforms to cut packaging waste – UK Government

Reporting requirements for the Extended Producer Responsibility scheme for packaging come into force today. Plans to make it easier for consumers to recycle packaging waste move a step closer today, as reporting requirements for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) come into force. Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (pEPR) will make firms that supply household packaging responsible for the costs of dealing with packaging waste, moving costs away councils and council taxpayers. Producers will be required to pay for the collection and disposal costs of household packaging they supply when it becomes waste. This will encourage producers to reduce the amount of packaging they place [...]

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‘Ticking timebomb’ as ageing landfill dumps threaten English beaches

Local government survey shows 26 council sites already spilling waste on to cliffs and into sea Hundreds of ageing landfill dumps on the coast of England containing plastics, chemicals and other waste are a ticking timebomb threatening to leach pollution on to beaches and into the sea, new research shows. The waste sites date back 100 years in some cases, and little is known about what has been dumped in them. Climate breakdown with associated rising sea levels and flooding are increasing the risk of a cocktail of pollutants entering the sea. More than three-quarters of the landfill dumps identified in a survey by the [...]

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Government defends landfill tax enforcement

The exchequer secretary to the treasury, James Cartlidge MP, defended the government’s enforcement of landfill tax fraud during a debate in parliament yesterday (13 January). Mr Cartlidge highlighted that His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) “has learned lessons from previous operational activity and is developing a number of criminal investigations into those involved in waste crime”. He also stated that HMRC has deployed more resources, doubling staff numbers to 50, to increase the number of civil investigations of landfill tax non-compliance. He acknowledged that it is a “relatively difficult tax to enforce”. In response to criticism from MPs, he argued that the tax [...]

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